Window Specific Filters Tab
The Window Specific Filters Tab enables you to increase the quality of your scan’s signals by combining your alerts with filters. Right-click into the Alert Window, select Configure and open the Window Specific Filters Tab.
You can define a minimum and a maximum value for each filter. The minimum filter icons are teal-colored, and the maximum filter icons are purple-colored. The magnifying glass icon between them hosts the Show Me Feature. A click on it will open a window where you can test different filter values. The In Words Tab will have a written description of what the filter will display. Depending on the filter you will also see the effects of different filter values as a Histogram, on a Chart, in an Up vs Down comparison, on a Calendar, and will be provided with suggestions in an Example Tab. Just use the sliders in each Tab to adjust your minimum and maximum values and see how many stocks fit the chosen criteria.
To only see the filters that are part of your strategy, press the Hide Unused button. Choose Add Defaults to see the list of filters that are generally used. You can add more filters by pressing the More Button and then using the Search function. Highlight a filter you would like to add, then press the Add Filter Button at the bottom. The chosen filter will automatically be added to the Windows Specific Filters Tab where you can enter minimum and maximum values or leave them blank. If you leave filter values blank but add them to the Columns Tab by choosing Show Column, you will be able to see the filter value at the time of an alert in your window without the filter influencing the results of your scan.
Click OK when you are done, or jump to one of the other tabs to adjust your scan further.