Stock Screener: Most Volatile Stocks by %


This list shows which stocks have the highest volatility.  The volatility is expressed in % per day.  This list does not include any stocks trading below $5.

The stocks with the highest values are listed at the top.


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MULN - Mullen Automotive, Inc.
VEEA - Veea Inc.
GNLN - Greenlane Holdings, Inc. - Class A
LPA - Logistic Properties of the Americas Ordinary Shares
WHLR - Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.
CING - Cingulate Inc.
XCH - XCHG Limited - ADS
SBC - SBC Medical Group Holdings Incorporated
GLXG - Galaxy Payroll Group Limited - Ordinary Shares
NIPG - NIP Group Inc. - American Depositary Shares
VINO - Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc.
SDST - Stardust Power Inc.
RZLV - Rezolve AI Limited - Ordinary Shares
SPLP - Steel Partners Holdings LP LTD PARTNERSHIP UNIT
RENT - Rent the Runway, Inc. - Class A
BCAN - Femto Technologies Inc.
RILY - B. Riley Financial, Inc.
MRNO - Murano Global Investments PLC - Ordinary Shares
RGC - Regencell Bioscience Holdings Limited - Ordinary Shares
ANVS - Annovis Bio, Inc.
DJTWW - Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. - Warrants
SERV - Serve Robotics Inc.
KSCP - Knightscope, Inc. - Class A
AVTX - Avalo Therapeutics, Inc.



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